Looking at the blog history, Mommy has been a very bad girl. It's now May (how did that happen?) and I have made a total of 7 posts. 8 if you count this one. That is not a very good average. I'm determined to fall back on the wagon.
So, what have we all been up to lately...
Well, it's been just over one year since we've moved into our new house. I'm disappointed to say that I have not accomplished half of what I had planned for the first year.
Not Accomplished:
#1 - Unpacking all boxes. - Yes, there are still a few. In my defense, they all contain pictures, which leads me to #2.
#2 -Decorating and hanging pictures including some of the 10,000 plus we have of the girls.
#3 - Painting. We have painted exactly 2 rooms of the 8 rooms that need painting. And don't tell Ben, but I want to paint the hall too, which I suppose makes it 9.
#4 - Cutting down the trees in the yard to make room for girls play set and room to play.
#5 - Building girls' playset. Fortunately, there was one already here, but it is smack in the middle of the yard and I want some additional stuff for it.
#6 - Expanding the deck so we can take advantage, or perhaps, minimize the widely sloping backyard and define the flat areas in a way that are useable.
#7 - Add planters to above mentioned deck to have more room for flowers and vegetables.
#8 - Create patio area to left of deck and add water feature and fire pit area (or designated chimenea spot).
#9 - Organized play room to my satisfaction including learning materials.
#10 - Implement Montessori at home/home school materials for the girls.
Well, I'm sure there are more, but I'm starting to feel bad about myself.
So, to balance, here are some things that have been accomplished in the past year.
#1 - Tamed the jungle of the back yard. You couldn't even see the fence. I've worked my butt off clearing stuff out and Ben and I even took down some trees ourselves. Big trees, I have to say. It was pretty impressive.
#2 - Ben built flower beds on the side and this year the flowers are gorgeous! I love them!!!
#3 - I dug up the unbelievably huge hostas in the front yard and replanted the front beds.
#4 - I created a flower bed around the mailbox.
#5 - I finally bought frames for the black and white photos I printed to go above the fireplace.
#6 - We finally got family room furniture! This took longer than one might think - as in not until September.
#7 - In the same vane...we also finally got a beautiful dining room set - in October.
#8 - We cleaned out the garage! - well, we cleaned it and it gets junky again, but it's way, way, way better.
#9 - I finally got the bookshelves like I always wanted for my own personal library. I now have 5 bookshelves lining the walls of my office. Unfortunately, they are now all full. So, I think I need more. Again, don't tell Ben:-)
#10 - Ben tore out the master bath shower because it was leaking. We haven't rebuilt it yet, but tearing it out was quite a bit so maybe we will get that done in the next year.
As you can see, many of our accomplishments are yard related (as are many of our not-yet-accomplished). I've really spent most of my energy in the yard trying to get things cleaned up and established so we can enjoy it for years to come. When I come in at night, I'm just too tired to do anything else. But, once it gets crazy hot here, the outside work will cease and the inside work begin!
I suppose this is more about Ben and I than the girls, but their environment is about them, right? They have been amazing through all this, actually. They, of course, could care less about the paint or pictures on the walls. They are just happy with their playroom full of toys (however disorganized) and a yard with plenty of dirt to poke around in. They love it when I garden if only because I give them all the worms I find. They have thoroughly enjoyed their new house and yard. They adore their playroom and will spend hours playing in their by themselves. They also love their room too, and will play in there as well, especially in the morning.
Next time I promise to give more Natalie and Abby details, such as what they've been up to as they approach the big 4 - which, I have decided to refuse to accept:-)