Friday, August 31, 2007

Good News

No, no - not the long-awaited for and hoped for going home news, but still really good news.

The girls had their eyes checked again and they had great reports. Natalie's eyes are still good, and Abby's eyes are looking much better. Both exams also show that their eyes are in Zone 3 out of 3 as far as growth. In other words, the blood vessels in the eyes are nearly finished growing.

The girls were quite cute today. I was holding Natalie while she sucked on her paci. The paci´s are hollow and both girls like it when you put her finger in it. It´s kind'of neat because you can feel them sucking. Anyway, I was holding her and had my pointy finger in her paci. She was holding on to my thumb with one hand and another finger with her other hand. It was so very cute.

Abigail and I had some nice quality time as well. We had our final Kangaroo Care video session today. She did great. At the very end though, she started grunting and moving around. Then a heard a big toot! After that, she settled right back down:-) They've actually been very gassy lately and are quite the little tooters. Daddy is very proud.


Anonymous said... would Ben's dad and his three uncles.....I should know.....Aunt Susie

Anonymous said...

Johelen, Noel here!(Your long lost Duke RN):) I am so glad that the girls are doing so great!! I got to see abby last week, my! has she grown!! I wanted to let you know that I still have a crib if you need it. Just email me, so we can set a time to meet. My email is Keep up the great website! Noel