Friday, May 30, 2008


I don't know who invented the phrase, "Thank God It's Friday", but I have some idea.

Many probably believe it originated from some poor, tired, overworked, underpaid daily-grind worker who just couldn't wait for the weekend. I think it was coined by a stay-at-home-mom.

By Friday, I am beat. Especially now with Ben's new schedule, I do all but 1 feeding by myself. And, most of those I do rather badly. The girls just don't eat well for me. I'm afraid if Ben can't figure out a way to come home for lunch soon, the girls will starve. This morning for instance, they each only ate between 50-70mls. That's terrible. Very, very terrible. At times like that, I just want to take them in to the doctor's office and tell them to tube them. It's part frustration and part worry that they will be malnourished or their brains will starve. No one has really said exactly what will happen if they don't eat enough - other than they won't gain weight (obviously). But honestly, as far as the specific detrimental effects, I don't know. Maybe I should ask.

I know in the big scheme of things, my girls eat way better than most kids who have "feeding problems". My saving grace this morning was that after only eating about 50mls of her bottle, Natalie ate a whole container of baby sweet potatoes. Most kids with real eating disorders have never eaten a jar of anything in their lives. It's just very frustrating to feel like the life and health of your babies depends on every feed and the difference between a few ounces every day.

I've also found myself bemoaning our inability to go anywhere because of the babysitter situation. It's not only that I don't actually know who I would ask, but even if there was a line at the door, we can't actually leave the kids with anyone through a feeding because they wouldn't eat. For most babies, when they get hungry, you pop a bottle in their mouth. Fifteen minutes and 8 ounces later, they are full and happy. Not only do our babies not get hungry, feeding involves a whole "technique". Then 30 minutes later, you MIGHT have 5 ounces down, but instead are probably frustrated and concerned.

*sigh* It's just frustrating to worry ALL THE TIME about how much Natalie and Abby are eating. *sigh*

Only 5 more hours until Ben gets home. T.G.I.F.

1 comment:

abby said...

Having just spent forty five minutes feeding my nearly two year old micropreemie a jar of pears, 1.5 ounces of goat yogurt, 3 bites of potatoes and a few potato sticks, and having just counted her calories for the day so far and come in at under 500, I so know what you mean. I'd like to say that it will get better, and maybe it will but I can't afford to believe that just now. All I know is that somehow miraculously our very poor eater manages to look like a 2 year old and gets the calories somewhere (board books? puzzle pieces? who knows). And that, plus the fact that Sharon will be home in four hours and will feed Hallie dinner, makes me grateful.