Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Simple Pleasures

Right now, I am in my office, quickly checking email (and posting, obviously). The girls are clamoring around the foot of my chair and they are just so funny. Moments ago, after knocking over a cup and spilling old Pepsi on the floor, they were into the paper recycle spot. They each had fists-full of paper and were just shaking it and shaking it. It's was just so cute. Also, right now Abby is trying to eat an envelope. I guess I should stop that. She really loves paper. It's too bad they don't make paper-flavored baby food.

oh - the babies are bored with the paper and headed down the hall...off to the races!

1 comment:

Cindy's Garden Thoughts said...

Thank you for your encouraging comments to my ganddaughter Kennedy's blog