Saturday, August 29, 2009

Now I Know My ABC's

Well, not quite, but we can repeat them!

Friday, Ben was reading "Pooh's ABC's" to Natalie and suddenly as he was saying each letter, she started to repeat the letters after him! Ben went through the whole alphabet, then called me and Nanny in so I could witness it too! Now, you too, can see the marvel of the ABC's. Keep in mind, this is round two so she was getting silly by the end. But Ben swears she repeated every letter the first time.

After showing off again for Poppy, Abby decided to join the fun and started repeating the letters too.

Now, I am fully aware that there are scores of two-year-olds who can not only repeat the ABC's but recite them all alone and sing the little "Now I Know" part too. However, considering that 2 months ago, Natalie and Abby barely had 20 words, every bit of repetition and vocal exercise is pretty exciting. It's all apart of their language explosion. And every day seems to bring something new. On Friday, Abby added another new word without any prompting and out of the blue. Aunt Susie sent the cutest Hello Kitty book bags with textured Hello Kitty faces on them. Abby was rubbing it and said, "soft, soft". She's also using great sentence babbles in which she seems to babble partly and fill in parts with words she knows and can say. So, it sounds like, "babble, babble George, babble, babble, down, babble". Natalie is also starting to use more jargon type sentences. Previously, she has been a one or two word phrase kind of gal. But, she is really stepping that up.

This is very exciting news for us. The ABC song is just around the corner!

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