Thursday, September 16, 2010

Potty Training - Part Deux

So, my sister whirls into town and in all her wisdom and knowledge starts the potty training. I learned this was the plan when she sent me a text while I was in my real estate class: "Potty training, need flushable wipes". It's for the best really, because I am a potty-training wuss.

I really don't like potty training. Hate it, really. Kids peeing, and worse, pooping on the floor. Ick. Having to stop every 15 minutes to potty - which takes 10 minutes. I can't get anything done. Look at me, I'm whining and my sister is the one who did most of the work on Wednesday. God bless her.

Why can't kids just go from diapers to toilet instinctively? I'll have to take that up with the Big Guy when I get to Heaven. If God was a woman, we wouldn't have this problem.

On to the potty report:
It's going okay. I think. Abby is doing slightly better as she seems to recognize more when she is about to go. Even sitting on the potty she will announce, "I'm going to tinkle", and then go. She is also pooping quite a bit, but I think this is happy consequence of the antibiotic she is taking for the massive ear infection she had last week.

Natalie has been successful as well, but I think more luck than anything. Because she is on the potty so much, she has to pee on the potty sometime. She doesn't seem to know when she is about to go nor can she force it. She could easily sit on the potty 10 minutes without going, then get up and tinkle in her pants 3 minutes later. --Wait - breaking news...Natalie just announced she needed to go pee-pee - and SHE WENT!!!! WOO-HOO!-- Stay tuned for more information as it comes in.

1 comment:

Laraf123 said...

You must be my neighbor in the land of potty training wimps. It's not going well or quickly over here. I truly thought (hoped?) my son would go from diapers to the toilet instinctively without much intervention. That's how he learned everything else (like walking and talking). Alas, it was not meant to be that easy...