Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thanksgiving Blues

*sigh*  It's been rough around here.  We girls have been a little sick.  And by we, I mean mostly me.  To make a long week short, I've been sick since last Wednesday with a variety of ailments the most annoying of which is a very sore throat which will not go away.  I have not had a traditional cold in the sense of a stuffy nose, however, just a very sore throat and periodic coughing in an attempt to cough up a lung.  After 7 days, I finally went to the "Minute Clinic" at CVS (brilliant idea, btw) to determine that I do NOT have strep throat and that my lungs are perfectly clear.  So, I suffer through it.

My little doctor trip was only after spending the morning at the doctor's office with Natalie and Abby.  Abby has had a fever off and on since Friday.  Natalie off and on since Sunday.  Tylenol/Motrin seemed to control it so I wasn't too worried.  Also no cold symptoms and no flu symptoms.  Then yesterday Abby woke up from her nap with another fever and a rash on her face, stomach and back.  2 hours, $40 and a poor tortured wax filled ear (abby), I'm told she probably has a viral rash.  Natalie seemed fine.  I was told that they would be "significantly less contagious" once they were without fever for a day.  On the bright side as well, tonight Abby woke up crying and pulling at the poor tortured ear from which the doctor tried vainly to get enough wax so he could see the ear drum.  So, that means they probably scratched it with their little scrape-y tool which will likely inflame and cause Abby pain for the next few days.  Goody.

I've been trying to get back to my Mema for the past 3 days, so this is good to hear.  The plan was to leave Monday after the girls spent a pre-Thanksgiving weekend with Yaya and grandpa (and Ben).  Yes, Mommy was blissfully home alone but unable to enjoy it.  I spent most the time sleeping and sitting miserably on the couch.  Since I apparently have nothing diagnosable wrong with me and the girls are "significantly less contagious", we will try to head to Mema's tomorrow.

At the traffic won't be bad.

1 comment:

abby said...

Sorry that you're feeling so ill. I have had the same thing (coughing up a lung, but nothing hardly comes out; laryngitis; a dreadful sore throat that feels like strep but tested negative). I actually gave myself a hit of albuterol tonight and it really helped. I just hope that Hallie isn't coming down with it now, too. She started to lose her voice tonight and that has me worried.

Anyway, I hope that all of you guys feel better and have a Happy Thanksgiving despite the crud and yucky ailments!