Tuesday, June 12, 2007

4 weeks today!!

Okay - so we've been bad about the updates - we know. We've been beach bums! We had a lovely time at the beach, and I will be returning late tonight or tomorrow. Poor Ben has to work:-(

While at the beach, my incredible family threw a surprise baby shower for me - complete with games, decorations and gifts! They also had the most beautiful baby cake I've ever seen - I'll post a picture on the picture site. It was brought all the way from Georgia by my cousin Amye - organizer extradanaire! It was so wonderful and many thanks to my wonderful family!!

Now to the updates...

Abby is doing quite well. They have taken her off the rapid vent and put her back on the regular vent. Her settings are about 30ish % which is great. She's still on a little dopamine. She had a good night and we are hopeful for a good day and continued success on the vent.

Natalie is a big girl now! She has been taken off her vent and put on the CPAP. (I'll define that for everyone later.) She is off her dopamine and probably starting feeds again today. I think her CPAP O2 levels are between 30-40%. She's bigger now than the last time she tried the CPAP so hopefully she can hold out and continue to breathe on her own.

We will be at the hospital later, so look for another update tonight.

One more thing...we have met a family at the hospital who has a little boy in the PICU. They are from Burlington/Caswell County - my dad's old stomping grounds. I've mentioned them in passing before. Their little boy was born with a combination of problems, including one one malfunctioning kidney and a heart issue. The kidney is doing better and he will be having risky heart surgery today or tomorrow. Please keep Buddy and his parents in your prayers.

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