Wednesday, June 13, 2007

still Wednesday...

Well, I am back at the beach and Ben is still at home. He saw the girls this evening and gave me a brief report.

Natalie - Nat's gases showed her O2/Co2 exchange to be less than perfect. There is talk of putting her back on the vent, but it hasn't happened yet. Honestly, this is quite expected. She's so little, she usually only lasts a few days on her own. It's been almost 3 days which is quite good for her. Her X-rays also showed "cloudy" (word used by Ben) lungs. I'm not sure if this is the same as "wet" or something different happening. I'm thinking it's the same since they are increasing her laxis to make her pee more.

Abby - Abby is about the same. They continue to try to decrease her vent setting and O2. Ben said her O2 was 25% when he was there which is great. Hopefully she will off the vent soon.

It can be really frustrating to have them go back and forth on the vent/CPAP. As the days go by and we get closer to "long-term vent use", my worry increases. I want so much for them to be healthy, normal children and I ache to think of the problems they may have. Mostly I hate to think of any pain or discomfort they might have. Please pray their lungs will strengthen and stay on the CPAP.

I checked the care page for our hospital friends - the surgery was actually today and Buddy came through it okay so far. Please continue to pray for them.

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