Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Life in the Wilderness

If you haven't figured it out, we, girls, are in Virginia with Poppy and Nanny. We all drove up Friday night and Ben stayed until Sunday. Aunt Kimmy was here too, until Monday afternoon, so it's been a real treat. Poppy will be bringing us home on Thursday.

We are having a grand ole time here in Virginny. Yesterday, Poppy and Nanny took Natalie and Abby for some special time - giving mommy a nice break. They were gone for hours, and I'm not even sure what all they did. I know there was a Walmart trip (of course) and the purchase of a toy (duh!). There was also a trip to the "Greenway" (a beautiful walking/jogging/whatever trail that hugs the Shenandoah River through town) and I think ice cream involved at some point. Pretty much typical grandparent stuff.

Today, we visited Poppy at his school as he taught his Old Testament class. I think his students were pretty thrilled by the distraction we caused. We then ate lunch with a couple of his co-workers, then back home for a not really sleeping, but mommy made them stay in their beds an hour anyway nap. The catnaps in the car messed up their napping. After the non-nap, we played and played until Poppy and Nanny came home. The new favorite toy here is a bouncy chair usually used for entertaining and soothing little babies. The girls never used them much as little babies, but have now rediscovered it as their own personal trampoline. They climb in and sit towards the back and by rocking up and down, it bounces, bounces, bounces. They love it. Especially Natalie. She's an especially good bouncer.

Poppy and Nanny entertained the girls a little while so Mommy could have a break, and then it was an early dinner and bedtime. They were both SO tired. Little Abby even fell asleep in Poppy's lap while I was feeding Natalie. That's something that almost never happens. It was really sweet though.

The day is almost over - in a few minutes, I'll give them their last bottles and hit the hay myself.

I can't really explain how beautiful it is here. I'll try to post a picture - when I'm back home. They live in the most beautiful spot in the whole valley - surrounded by mountains on all sides. It's so peaceful. I'm really glad the girls are getting to spend this time with Nanny and Poppy and make special memories. Even if they won't really remember, somewhere deep inside they'll always know. Grandparents are so special and Natalie and Abby are very blessed with amazing grandparents from all sides. What lucky, lucky little girls.

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