I know, I know...I'll skip the apologies and get right to the updating.
We have been busy. It's been a very busy summer for our whole family.
In April we celebrated Easter and had an Egg Hunt with Grammy. We enjoyed the beautiful weather and spent many afternoons at nearby parks and finally made it to the Zoo. We bought a house and started moving, sadly said goodbye to the girls long-time feeding/speech therapist (she moved) and took Natalie and Abby fishing for the first time.
In May, we finished moving and said good-bye to our old house. Natalie and Abby turned 3 and we had a little party, even though they were sick (again). Mommy and the girls took a trip to NYC, Daddy started a new job, and Mommy started working again (babysitting).
In June, Natalie and Abby started Little Gym (and loved it!) and did all kinds of fun things with Walker and Bean like going to the coolest drive through zoo. We visited Grammy in the mountains and spent a day with old friends, Jerry and Gayle, in Winston at Old Salem. Mommy also had the honor of assisting as a birthing partner for her dear friends, Michael and Lori, and their new baby, Sam (and older sister, Awa).
Poppy came to visit in July and we went fishing again (which the girls LOVE - they like to play with the worms). We also took an amazing trip down memory lane with Poppy as we visited his old churches and neighborhood and learned more about his childhood and life as a young adult. We also took a trip to the beach with Auntie. We discovered the fun of the big pool and more fishing with Walker and Bean, discovered an amazing new museum in Raleigh, Marbles, and tried to potty train.
August involved more swimming, more Marbles, a family reunion and playing with baby goats at the Carl Sandburg house. There was more hanging out with Walker and Bean, visits from Poppy and Grammy, and weekend sleepovers at Ya-Ya and Grandpa's. The girls gave up their bottles (but not the special milk), started ballet at Uncle Johnny's studio in Burlington (where Mommy and Auntie also took as little girls) and started a new session of Little Gym. They even attended a Little Gym half-day camp for 3 hours. They have also started some of their old and new therapies - PT and OT (still waiting on speech). Daddy had to work lots and lots of overtime and Mommy started babysitting for Baby Sam.
Whew. Oh, and somewhere in there, Mommy and Daddy made an attempt to get the new house in order with some painting and organizing, new furniture (just this week), a yard sale, and with LOTS of help from Grammy. Thank God for my mom or we'd still be living in boxes.
And, just to make sure we don't leave anything out...the cats are thoroughly enjoying their new environment. They are happy their kitty perches (cat towers) are back and have each claimed their own. They also have favorite spots in the yard. Kitkat likes to hang out in the bushes and both have taken to hiding in the cool of the storm drain. And, as the girls like to say, "the kitties like to chase the bunny rabbits!"
Ok. That's 5 months in review:-)
Now, it's picture time! - and hopefully, more of the little details.
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