Monday, December 28, 2009

"I love You"

We have our first spontaneous, unprovoked, "I love you".

In the past few weeks, Natalie and Abby would repeat, I love you, if asked to - especially to Mema.  A few times theywould respond with I love you if she was told I love you first.  Today, Natalie did it all on her own.

The girls have just been running around playing, "I'll get you", ie. chase.  Natalie came running in from the living room into our dining room and said, "I love you, Mommy.  I love you, Mommy."  It took me a minute or two to figure out what she was saying, and then, of course, my heart just melted.  I knelt down, gave her big hugs and said, "I love you too, Natalie."  I have been awaiting this day (as it seems a little late to me), and it was just as wonderful as I imagined:-)

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