Friday, August 15, 2008

10,000 calories - (Olympic spoilers ahead)

8-10,000 calories. That's how many calories USA Olympic Swimming Champion Michael Phelps gets to eat - in ONE DAY 10,000 calories!!! Can you imagine? I want to be Michael Phelps. Of course, then I'd also have to swim like 10 miles a day. That might not be as much fun. Michael said he actually has a hard time eating that many calories. Can you imagine...having to eat so much you can't eat enough - even when you are eating burgers, fries, eggs with cheese, pizza, Chinese food - pretty much anything you want. Wow.

Have you seen Michael swim? If you haven't, you have really missed a show. He is absolutely amazing. It's like watching a miracle take place. He can be in third place, and in the last turn and the last 50 meters, he can pull ahead an entire body length. It's unbelievable. If you haven't seen him swim, I highly recommend you try to find someone who has a race recorded and watch it. It just makes you proud to be an American.

Speaking of Americans, how 'bout our gymnasts. Bronze for our men and Silver for the women. And, Nastia Liukin and Shawn Johnson grabbed the gold and silver in the All Around competition. Go USA!!

As you can tell, I'm an Olympic junkie. I love the Olympics. I look forward to them every year - well every two years:-) Despite the vagrant human rights issues and the terrible smog (poor track and field and outdoor athletics), China has done a beautiful job. The event locations are gorgeous. The "Water Cube" is especially spectacular.

It's still a bit confusing to me how China ever procured the Olympics. And despite their extensive building projects and welcoming language, it sounds as if they made actually entering the country complicated. I guess the true success of these games will be measured in the future by whether or not the eyes and influences of the world community are able to have any effect on the politics and policies of China. We can only hope.

For now, go team USA!!

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