Saturday, June 2, 2007

10:30 pm - NICU check in

The latest check is good.
Abby weighed in at 851g - woo hoo - she's now back above her birth weight and gained 2 oz since yesterday! I think she was worried Natalie was catching up. She has been having a few desat's (drops in oxygen levels or heart rate) so they've been playing with her vent rates to find what will make her happy. Her sodium level was a little low as well, so they are given her sodium. I'm not sure I mentioned before, but she also had a blood transfusion earlier today as well. But in general, she's fine.

Natalie - Nat didn't gain much - she's now at 658g, but she's still above her birth weight. Her oxygen rate is down at 21% - room air (the lowest setting) so that's great. She's resting well and doing great.

A word about baby pee: Never in my life did I think baby pee would become so important. However, the recent drama of the last month has taught me more about baby pee than I ever wanted to know. In the beginning, we learned that amniotic fluid is entirely baby pee. With the Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome, life became all about how much or how little pee each baby had. Now that they are born, their little diapers are carefully weighed to determine exactly how much they pee. Tests are done to determine all sorts of peeing related conditions. If the electrolytes are low, it means they are peeing too much. If their lungs are "wet" it means they have fluid on them and they aren't peeing enough. If the sodium is low, it could mean they peed too much. For each problem, there is a solution to counteract the condition in hopes of causing the correct amount of baby pee. Of course, sometimes there is the problem of over-correcting and then the cycle starts again. Who knew that baby pee rules the world??

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