Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Wednesday, Day 29

We saw our girls last night. We missed them while we were at the beach. They've been doing pretty well. Natalie was taken off the vent, of course, and was holding her own with the CPAP. The nurses gave the go ahead to hold her, but we decided it was best if she rested and concentrated on breathing. She usually only lasts 24-48 hours on the CPAP and we want her to stay on it as long as possible.

This morning's report: checked in at 9:18am

- Doing well on CPAP at about 27% O2- going on 48 hours!! Yeah Natalie!
- She did have to go back on her dopamine - she just can't stabilize her BP. This means her feeds will stop again.
- She is receiving a transfusion this morning.
- Her weight last night was 705g.
- Nat did have another LP done yesterday, just to rule out any infections.

While we were there last night, her heart rate and sats were squirely. This has become her MO. She's up and down, up and down. Apparently, she thinks she's a yo-yo. Her heart rate was over 200 at times, which is not preferred. Later she calmed down and had a good night. The nurse said she did the exact same thing the night before.

- Abby had a blood transfusion about midnight last night. It seemed to help her a lot.
- Her pees had been quite low the day before, but started picking up Tuesday evening. Now she is peeing well. (If you haven't already, go back a few days and read the paragraph on how the world revolves around baby pee.)
- They are increasing her fluids.
- Her BP has also been up and down, but the nurse said her MAP's (mean arterial pressure) is looking more stable. They are leaving her on about 3 mics of dopamins.
- the plan for the day is to continue to try to wean the vent settings so she can go on the CPAP as soon as possible.

I will be returning to the beach as soon as I get my mess together. Please continue to pray for strong little lungs!

ps - little Buddy (our hospital friends) is having his surgery tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Unkle Jeff checking in...

Hey kids - stay strong for your mama and daddy, I'll be popping over soon to check on you.