Saturday, July 7, 2007

DeNile is not a river in Egypt...'s an art form! Which Ben and I have been accused of perfecting - especially me! It's come to my attention that it's been said that we have a serious case of denial when it comes to the health of our girls. I say, yes! And more power to us!

Honestly, it is true that we have been especially optimistic about the girls since we first found out about the Twin to Twin Transfusion. I'm not sure if we were in a state of shock and unable to think about the possible outcomes or if we just had faith everything would be okay. I think it actually depended on what moment it was. There were nights when we would pray for our babies and I would think about the choices we might have to make. I imagined trying to choose between our children and actually deciding who would live and who would die. It was unimaginable, and I cried many tears over the very thought. Then I would just put it out of my mind and believe everything would work out. To think otherwise was excruciating. I think God gave the human mind the ability to exist in denial so we could survive the hardest times. There's only so much stress and emotional trauma a person can take before one collapses in a worthless heap. When one needs to remain strong to face what must be faced, denial may be the only way to go.

Also, in my defense... when the girls were really sick at about two weeks old, I honestly had no idea. Hmm, that doesn't sounds like much of a defense. The defense part is that the doctors didn't TELL us things were so bad. We thought it was all just part of normal premature baby stuff. I did learn however, that next time they seem sick, I will ASK how worried I should be.

So maybe we don't come across as completely rooted in reality when it comes to our children. But hey, name a parent who doesn't think their child is the prettiest, cutest, smartest, most adorable kid ever. Reality and parenthood don't always go hand in hand. Sometimes living a little in a little fantasy world is good for the soul.

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