Tuesday, July 29, 2008


I'm not sure how, but somehow Natalie and Abigail just keep growing. I'm certain they aren't drinking as much formula as before. They are eating solids well, and we try hard to make those as caloric as possible, and it must be working.

Natalie weighed in today at 15lbs 11oz - up 2.5 oz. Abby is 16lbs 9oz and is up 3 oz.

I really don't know how they do it. They are the busiest little kids I've ever seen and must burn a ton of calories AND they don't eat like they should. But, somehow they keep growing. Whatever it is - we'll take it!

1 comment:

Princess Abigail said...

Hey, I see that being called Abigail is about being universally beautiful!
What a gorgeous family.
We are watching you with great joy!