Friday, July 4, 2008

Where's Willy Wanka When You Need Him?

Of all the Willy Wanka delectable edibles Willy Wanka created, my favorite has always been the chewing gum that provided an entire meal as you chewed it - complete with dessert. Not only was it nutritious, you could taste every morsel going down your throat. Of course, there was the small problem of turning into a blueberry at the end, but I'm sure that could have been worked out.

I have always dreamed of a piece of chewing gum or little pill that one could swallow and just be done with the whole eating thing. Food is just too much trouble.

We have an interesting paradox taking place in our house. At the same time that we are trying to stuff Natalie and Abigail with as many calories and fat grams as possible, Ben and I are trying to cut as many as possible from our diet.

We have now been on Nutrisystem for 4(me) and 5(Ben) days. We are starving and miserable. We are so hungry. All we do is talk about food, think about food and wish we had food. Being on a diet sucks.

I suppose it will all be worth it in the end. We will be thin and beautiful and have lots of energy to chase around Natalie and Abigail. But, for right now, we will dream of ribeye steaks and mashed potatoes with lots of butter and sour cream and cheese and bacon bits. I think I'm going to cry.

1 comment:

BenC said...

mmmmm...steak. mouth is watering right now...