Monday, August 20, 2007

40 weeks! Their Due Date has Arrived!

Well, as of today, the girls are officially here. From hence forth, if you ask their age, you will get two answers: their "real age" (time since birth) and their "corrected age" (time since due date). For instance, today they are 3 months old or 0 days old. The corrected date is important in terms of evaluating developmental milestones. If their actual age is used, they'll appear delayed in everything, like rolling over, sitting up, etc. Using the corrected age shows more accurately if they are on schedule or having delays that may need intervention.

Also, as of today, my patience has officially expired. I have suddenly developed a desperate longing for the girls to come home - NOW. I found myself very frustrated today with their lack of progress in the eating department. I was especially jealous when the baby next to us, a 29 weeker, now only 33 weeks, was chomping down her bottle like a pro. It's very frustrating. They are doing so well in every way, and the ONLY thing holding their ability to take their feeds from bottle and/or breast. We are told that one day they'll just "get it". I think it's time.

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