Friday, August 10, 2007

NICU Day 87

Wow - 87 days! Sounds like forever, but the end is near.

Last night and this morning Poppy was here for a visit. We had a great time holding the girls and talking. Nana and Mema will be here this weekend and I know Natalie and Abigail are very excited.

Today we had some good reports. Abby had her repeat eye exam for ROP. Good news!! Her eyes still look better. There is only one place on her left eye that is of concern, but the doctor didn't seem concerned. She feels it will continue to improve. We also had a breastfeeding session with Abby. We tried a breast shield this time and it worked much better. Abby did great! She sucked about 10 minutes or so. We didn't weigh her before, so we didn't know how much she ate, but we thought about 10 ml. She ultimately got tired and sleepy, but considering they had just performed the eye exam (which isn't very fun), she was very agreeable. I feel much better about it now. I had really begun to think they'd never figure it out and I'd be stuck pumping and bottle feeding the breast milk. Today was very encouraging. We will try again at least once a day.

Natalie also had some good reports. PT came in about 1pm and did a little work with her. She said Natalie is getting much better at organizing herself and pulling in her legs and arms. (more on "organizing" in another post) Today she was so cute all wrapped up in her bed. She was sucking on her little thumb knuckle. Just darling:-)
Natalie also stopped receiving the microlipids today. She will continue to receive the progestimil at 3/4 teaspoon.

Their recent weights:
Thurs - 1488g
Fri - 1523 (3 lb 5.7oz)
Thurs - 1857g
Fri - 1912g (4lb 3.4oz)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, they are just the most adorable little things! I just love the new pictures! Hang in there w/the breastfeeding, honestly it was the most challenging thing I've ever done. But they'll get the hang of it, don't worry! You are great parents and we love you!
The Pope's