Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Abby - world traveler

Well, at least a cross-town traveler. She has made her way back to DRH AGAIN. She arrived about 7:30 Tuesday evening. Obviously, her eye exam went really well. Her eye showed improvement and no surgery was required. The doctor thinks her eye will continue to improve and be just fine. Yeah!!! Thanks God!

Since time continues to fly, I'll catch up on the week.

While Abby was in their care, Duke took care of a few housekeeping duties. Sunday evening she had a VCUG - voiding cystourethrogram. Radioactive fluid is squirted into the bladder to see where it goes. It's trying to detect if any urine is flowing backwards into the bladder. If it does, it can cause an infection. She has been on amoxicilin just in case that happened. But, the VCUG showed that the bladder was functioning normally and there was no sign of urine reflux. This is great and means she can stop the antibiotic.

Tuesday before she left, she also had an Upper GI to see if there were any physiological reasons for her eating issues. Again, everything looked good. It did show some mild reflux.

Speech and OT continued to work on her bottle feeds. I was told she took a whole bottle right after she arrived on Sunday afternoon. On Monday at 2pm, she also took another full bottle. I think that's all they tired at Duke. Today (wednesday), she had a bottle at 6am, but only took 12ml. At 2pm, she took 25ml. At 8pm she took 35ml. Her weights at Duke were 2610g on Sunday and 2630g on Monday. When they checked her back in to DRH she weighed in at 2640g - 5lbs 13.12oz. Wednesday, she weighed in at 3695 - almost 2 more ounces - 5lbs 15.06oz! She may hit 6lbs tomorrow! She's going to outgrow some of her clothes before she ever gets home! And never mind those preemie diapers I bought. She'll be in Size 1 any day now. Oh - another little first today - I clipped Abby's nails for the first time. They are the tiniest things you have ever seen. But, I manage to avoid drawing blood.

On to Natalie...

Natalie managed fine while her sister was away. OT and Speech worked with her a lot between Sunday and today.
Sun - 11am - 44ml
Mon - 12am - 13ml
9am - 20ml
6pm - 24ml
Tues 9am - 36ml
9pm - 15ml
Wed - 3am - 24ml
9am - 11ml
3pm - 9ml
9pm - 40ml

She also continues to grow.
Sun - 2165g
Mon - 2225g
Tues - 2230g
Wed - 2270g - 5lbs!!!! and .07oz. Go Natalie!!!

Monday was a big day for Natalie as she also had her nails clipped for the first time. As it was my first time, I have to say, it was one of the scariest things I've ever done. Luckily - we both survived - with all 10 fingers - and my sanity in tact.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've never clipped my kids nails!!! I have always been scared to do it so that's Jay's job. Were you there when they did the bladder procedure on Abby? Bailey had that done a few months ago. Glad everything is functioning the right way! We will pray that the light bulb turns on and when you get back from your weekend break they'll be eating like champs!