Thursday, August 30, 2007

Honestly - how hard is it to learn to eat?

Apparently, it's pretty hard. Since I keep talking about their feeds, I thought I'd vent a bit.

Learning to eat from a bottle is of utmost importance - obviously. It's their ticket home. So far, it's not going well. As you can tell from my little columns and lists, their success is completely random.

So, you might ask, what exactly is the problem? Hmmm. Good question. The current theory is reflux. It's pretty much like reflux in adults, and as the adults can tell you - it really sucks. The symptoms the girls have shown have mostly been in terms of their apparent discomfort. They arch their backs, move their mouths around and occasionally cry a little. In the last few days however, I've noticed them licking their lips and swallowing a lot. They've also started spitting up a little.

It actually just breaks my heart that they might be in pain. Poor little things. They are receiving reflux meds that are supposed to help. They probably are. It's one of those things where even though they still have problems you never know just how bad it would be without them.

Theory two is a combination of the reflux theory and simple prematurity. They simply may not be ready yet. Some babies just take longer. I'm told that one day the light bulb will just go off, and they'll "get it". I want to know if Babies R US sells those light bulbs. I need two.

It's so frustrating when they are getting so big and still can't come home. Our stress level is rising every day. It's getting harder and harder. We just thought they'd be home by now. We are even getting a little snippy so we've decided to take a few days together this weekend and just chill out. It will be our last chance before the girls come home.

Please continue to pray that there's a sale soon on light bulbs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

all this talk about feeding has made me a bit hungry.

-Ben "is tempted to try some of the frozen breast milk in the freezer in his cereal" Courliss