Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Surprisingly Good Weigh-In

We haven't felt like the girls have been eating well at all the past week. Yesterday was their weigh-in day, but I was busy being lazy with my birthday. I thought about weighing them today, then decided not to since I didn't want to get all upset. I figured weighing or not weighing doesn't actually change their weight and since we are doing all we can any way, I didn't see a point in getting upset.

But, then Lindssy, our new Speech Therapist arrived and asked about our weights. I figured we might as well see. So glad we did! Abby weighed in at 16.5lbs - up 5.5 oz. Natalie was 15.8.5lbs - up 3.5 oz. I was pretty surprised. It really seems to me that they have been drinking much less formula than usual. But, they have been eating lots of yogurt - which is highly caloric, so maybe it makes a difference.

In any case - for today at least, the scale is our friend.

1 comment:

Judith and Jason said...

Yeah that yogurt is a god send! It is frustrating b/c once they start moving around move, the more they burn and you know what that means.
Looks like you will have two walkers by their adjusted B-day! YEAH!