Monday, November 26, 2007

Getting better

Things are getting better. Our little break was much needed and everyone was such a big help. I have to mention my sister, Kimberly, who is just amazing. She has been incredible. I'm not sure what we would have done without her.

Most of you know, but my sister just happens to be a twin specialist. She specializes in sleep training, but is an expert in all things babies and especially twins. She has worked with hundreds of babies. The help, advice and peace of mind she has given us has been invaluable. I can honestly say I don't know what we would have done without her - especially this past weekend. Sister, we love you so much, and thank you, thank you thank you.

Sister has been incredible at helping feed the girls. Their totals are creeping up and hitting new heights. Check this out:
M - 405mls
T - 390
W - 355 + breast feeding
Th - 438
F - 575
S - 540
S - 543 so far and one feed left

M - 502
T - 518
W - 395 + BF
Th - 475
F - 648
S - 593
S - 630 So far and one feed left!!!

They are doing so amazing. They are starting to take 70-75ml for some feeds - especially Abby who has apparently decided she didn't like Natalie getting close to her in weight. At this rate, she will pull way ahead again. When they start taking that much for 4-5 feeds a day, we are going to try an adapted 3 hour schedule. We'll probably do some 2-hours and some 3-hours. Eventually we can move to a 3 hour schedule.

I am so proud of them for doing so well. The new formula, NeoSure, is a godsend. My milk is returning so we are primarily just adding the powder back on top of the breast milk as before. They may get a bottle of formula every now and then, but we are mostly back to breast milk. It's so relieving to know we have an option if my milk takes another vacation.

I am so happy about the girls progress, but there is a part of me that is irritated as well. Not at them, of course, but at the doctors. I am so mad we tubed them those 4 days last week. It was a miserable experience and just sent the girls backwards. The fact that it only took a few days for the girls to get back to and then surpass their previous totals tells me had we NOT tubed them, we would have upped their totals that much sooner. I just wish we had trusted our instincts.

Speaking of, we received a voice mail from Elianna's dad yesterday. Kimberly had lunch with he and Elianna and was telling him about the girls, their eating, weight gain, and the possible g-tube situation. He happens to be a doctor and told her they usually don't worry too much about weight until babies start losing it. He left the most kind voice mail stating what great parents Ben and I were and how great the girls are doing. He said we should continue to trust our instincts. It was very kind and a wonderful reassurance that we are doing okay. It was also nice to hear from a doctor that we aren't causing them brain damage. Thanks so much Adam - you really made my day:-)

Well, it's almost time to feed - again. Sheew - I'll be so glad when we can move to the 3 hour schedule. Feeding every two hours is tough. I always feel like the Dunkin Donuts man. There used to be a commercial which showed him dragging himself out of bed and to work at some ungodly hour muttering, "time to make the donuts, time to make the donuts". That's us, every hour, "time to feed the babies, time to feed the babies". And for me, if I'm not doing that, "time to make the milk, time to make the milk". Hmmm, kind-of makes me want some donuts...

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